Luigi Atzori

5G Italy 2019 / Luigi Atzori

Luigi Atzori

Professor, CNIT / University of Cagliari


5G and perspectives for OTTs


Luigi Atzori (PhD, 2000) is professor of Telecommunications at the University of Cagliari where he leads the activities of the MCLab laboratory (Multimedia & Communications) with around than 20 research fellows. From 2018, he is the coordinator of the master degree course in Internet Technology Engineering. He deals with technologies for the realization of the Internet of Things (IoT), with particular reference to the definition of algorithms for the development of social networks among the devices that led to the Social IoT paradigm. He also deals with Quality of Experience (QoE), with the application to the management of services and resources in new generation networks for multimedia communications. Lately, he also applies the study of QoE to IoT services. He is the founding partner of the GreenShare spinoff of which he currently serves as CIO; the company provides IoT services in the sustainable mobility sector. He is a regular reviewer for the EU and for Irish, Spanish and Swedish research programs. He has been the coordinator of European projects on QoE and the IoT (QoE-Net, Demanes and Netergit). He serves regularly in the conference organizing committee of the sector and as associate and guest editor of several international journals (IEEE IoT journal, Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, IEEE Communications Magazine, etc.).

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