Daniele Nardi

5G Italy 2019 / Daniele Nardi

Daniele Nardi

Full Professor of Artificial Intelligence, University La Sapienza


Artificial Intelligence between economic growth and ethical perspective


Daniele Nardi (http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/~nardi/) is full Professor (since 2000) at Sapienza Univ. Roma, Faculty of Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Informatica, Statistica, Dept. Computer, Control and Management Engineering “A. Ruberti”. He is currently faculty coordinator for student exchange and referent for the Master curriculum in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and he is teaching the course Artificial Intelligence of the master, since several years. Daniele Nardi leads the research laboratory “Cognitive Robot Teams”, addressing different research topics: Cognitive Robotics, Localization, Navigation, Perception, Cooperation in multi-robot systems, Human Robot Interaction, multimodal interfaces and speech; The scientific and technical achievements are deployed in manifold application domains: Ambient Intelligence and robots to support elderly people, Disaster Response robots to explore and gather information from the environment, Cultural Heritage, Precision Agriculture, Soccer Player robots for RoboCup competitions. Daniele Nardi has been principal investigator of several collaborative projects funded by FP7, H2020 and several other research funding institutions. Daniele Nardi is EurAI Fellow, and was President of RoboCup Federation (2011-2014).

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