Pietro Pacini

5G Italy 2019 / Pietro Pacini

Pietro Pacini

General Director, CSI Piemonte


Role of the Cloud in 5G


Pietro Pacini has been appointed General Manager of CSI Piemonte on 21st September 2018.

He was born in Tarquinia (Viterbo) in 1963, and graduated in Electronic Engineering at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome. He has a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from the Polytechnic of New York. He began his professional career in 1990 in Telecom Italia, where he has had increasing responsibilities, including, from December 2004, the role of CEO of Telecontact. From 2007, he has worked for Vodafone, with various roles from Customer Operations and Sales, until he became CEO of Vodafone Gestioni SpA and Head of Direct Consumer Sales.

Between 2010 and 2018 he worked for Poste Italiane where he coordinated the development of the telecommunications network. In 2017, as Public Administration Sales Director, he was entrusted to develop a new service model for the Public Administration. He also gained a relevant international experience, managing the development of partnerships with foreign operators.

He was a member of the Board of Directors of Fondazione Vodafone (2009-2010) and of Consorzio Elis (2012-2016). In 2011 he was a member of the board of the founders of Fondazione Ugo Bordoni. He is passionate about music, has studied Composition for Applied Music at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Rome and still is in the Management board of the Accademia di Musica of Tarquinia.

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