Antonio Sassano

5G Italy 2019 / Antonio Sassano

Antonio Sassano

President, Ugo Bordoni Foundation


Research on 5G applications as a vector of economic growth


Antonio Sassano is Chairman of Fondazione Ugo Bordoni from August 10, 2017. In 2007-2008 he was Executive Director of Fondazione Ugo Bordoni. Born in Roma, Italy on March 12, 1953, he received the Laurea degree cum laude in Engineering from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 1976. He is currently Full Professor of Operations Research at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. His scientific and professional activity has been focused in two complementary areas: the study of the mathematical structure of hard optimisation problems and the use of this knowledge to model and solve challenging “real life instances”. His research activity has been mainly devoted to the study of the polyhedral structure of combinatorial problems and to the design and testing of optimisation algorithms. His consulting experience includes the design of the Italian Frequency Plan for Terrestrial Analog Television  in 1998, the study of the Frequency Plan for FM-Radio , the design of the DAB Frequency Plan in 2002 and of the 3-SFN DVB-T Frequency Plan in 2003 and, more recently,  the SFN DVB_T Frequency Plan in 2010. He has been one of the advisors of the Italian Government in the auction procedures for the UMTS licenses (2001) and the WLL licenses (2002). He was President of CIRO (Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca Operativa) and Editor of “Mathematical Programming”. He was a Member of the Board of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and Consultant of the Italian Authority for Telecommunications. He is a Member of Advisory Board of the Florence School of Regulation (European University Institute).

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