Giuseppe Bianchi is Full Professor of Telecommunications and Network Security at the University of Roma Tor Vergata since January 2007. Prior to this appointment, he has been Assistant Professor at the Politecnico di Milano, Associate Professor at the University of Palermo, and has held various visiting positions in foreign universities – Washington University of St. Louis (15 months), Columbia University di New York (9 months), Maynooth National University of Dublin (4 months), UCLA Los Angeles (2 months), etc. In 2016 he has been awarded an Honorary Chair Professorship at the National Taiwan University of Science & Technology. He has held coordinating positions for 6 European Projects, has chaired the PhD programme in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering, has chaired the Bachelor and Master degrees in Internet Engineering, and has held managing positions in CNIT and GTTI boards. His research interests include network programmability, network security, Wi-Fi access systems, Privacy enhancing technologies, and in most generality any activity related to the design, analysis and monitoring of Internet systems and networks.