Emilio Calvanese Strinati

5G Italy 2019 / Emilio Calvanese Strinati

Emilio Calvanese Strinati

CEA-LETI, Grenoble, France


December 5 - PhD School


Dr. Emilio Calvanese Strinati obtained his Engineering Master degree in 2001 from the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ and his Ph.D in Engineering Science in 2005. He then started working at Motorola Labs in Paris in 2002. Then in 2006 he joint CEA/LETI as a research engineer. From 2007, he becomes a PhD supervisor. From 2010 to 2012, Dr. Calvanese Strinati has been the co-chair of the wireless working group in GreenTouch Initiative which deals with design of future energy efficient communication networks. From 2011 to 2016 he was the Smart Devices & Telecommunications European collaborative strategic programs Director. Since December 2016 he is the Smart Devices & Telecommunications Scientific and Innovation Director. In December 2013 he has been elected as one of the five representative of academia and research center in the Net!Works 5G PPP ETP. From 2017 to 2018 he was one of the three moderators of the 5G future network expert group. Between 2016 and 2018 he was the coordinator of the H2020 joint Europe and South Korea 5GCHAMPION project. Since July 2018 he is the coordinator of the H2020 joint Europe and South Korea 5G-AllStar project. Since 2018 he holds the French Research Director Habilitation (HDR).

E. Calvanese Strinati has published around 120 papers in international conferences, journals and books chapters, given more than 100 international invited talks, keynotes and tutorials. He is the main inventor or co-inventor of more than 60 patents. He has organized more than 80 international conferences, workshops, panels and special sessions on green communications, heterogeneous networks and cloud computing hosted in international conferences as IEEE GLOBCOM, IEEE PIMRC, IEEE WCNC, IEEE VTC, EuCnC, IFIP, EUCnC and European Wireless.

Talk: When Cloud Meets 6G

Abstract: In 2020 the 5G Networks are expected to be operational and a global game changer from a technological, economic, societal and environmental perspective with very aggressive promised performance in terms of latency, reliability, energy efficiency, wireless broadband capacity, elasticity, and so on.Experts claim that the next big step for cellular (and, generally speaking, wireless) networks is not the 5G realization but its next cloudification.

Virtualization and cloudification (or commonly dubbed as cloud computing) are often used interchangeably but they represent different concepts while involving a number of different technical challenges.
Virtualization was introduced to consolidate physical servers running heterogeneous applications onto fewer (computing nodes) servers by placing the applications on so-called virtual machines (VMs) in a “hypervised” environment.
Conversely, Cloud computing refers to the delivery of shared on-demand computing resources through the public cloud (e.g., internet) or enterprise private cloud networks.

This tutorial focuses on the upcoming cloudification phenomena of Beyond 5G networks. We analyse the state-of-the-art solutions proposed to realize the first example of cloudification, highlighting the main limitations of the current solutions and the real potentiality of advanced upcoming approaches. We present the interdependencies between 5G KPIs, 5G key enabling technologies and the three levels of cloud: Fog, Mobile Edge Cloud and the Central Cloud. In particular, for the Mobile Edge Cloud, we also provide the audience with a solid background and comprehensive description of the last
achievements in the scientific community.

Finally, we point out the future research directions to make beyond 5G cloudificattion effic9snt and a reality.

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