Edoardo Colombo

5G Italy 2019 / Edoardo Colombo

Edoardo Colombo

Head, Digital Tourism Observatory AIDR


Smart Tourism


An expert at the intersection of innovation, digital communication and tourism, he worked on the themes of digital transformation in the Public Administration, companies and organizations to encourage change in the economy of collaboration and social innovation.
He was part of the Presidency of the Council Digital Agenda Task Force and member of the TDLAB the digital tourism laboratory, set up by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism. He was an advisor for innovation of the Minister of Regional Affairs and Tourism, coordinating the national tourism portal, and scientific expert of the MIUR for the evaluation of the Smart City tenders. Member of the Agency innovation technologies of the Presidency of the Council, on the occasion of the Universal Expo in Shanghai, he promoted and organized the “Italia degli Innovatori” initiative.

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