PAOLO PAGANO received his Ph.D. degree in High Energy Physics from Trieste University having worked for the COMPASS collaboration at CERN. He holds a Master in IT from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa. From 2009 he is with the National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT), leading the Networks of Embedded Systems area at the National Laboratory of Photonic Networks and Technologies in Pisa (http://pntlab.cnit.it/).
From October 2015 he is the director of the joint (CNIT / Port Network Authority of the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea) laboratory on advanced sensing and networking in sea ports (http://jlab-ports.cnit.it). His research activities have a specific focus on ITS and Port of the Future. He is participating (on behalf of CNIT) to the ETSI standardization committees for Cooperative ITS and maritime communication. From September 2018 he is member of the Working Group “Smart Roads”, Technical Committee on Autonomous Driving at the World Road Association. He co-authored about 100 peer reviewed papers to international journals and conferences.