Giovanni Schembra is Associate Professor at the University of Catania since 2005. From September 1991 to August 1992 he was with the Telecommunications Research Group of the Cefriel of Milan, working on traffic modelling and performance evaluation in broadband networks. He was involved in several national and EU projects, and has been responsible for the participation in many of them, recently in the H2020 INPUT project, the DiMoViS Experiment project for Triangle FIRE Project and the Tourist Eyes Experiment project for 5GINFIRE Project. He serves in the Editorial Board of the IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. He has also been the General Workshop Co-Chair of NetSoft 2017, General Co-Chair of the Workshops STET 2018, NI 2019 and NI 2020, Guest Editor of Special Issues on network softwarization for IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management and Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks (JSAN).
His main research interests are in application of artificial intelligence (AI) to softwarized networks and 5G systems, SDN/NFV paradigms applied to the softwarization process of telecommunications networks, Traffic Engineering for future Internet, Fog Computing and Multi-Access Edge Computing. His e-mail address is: schembra@unict.it.