Roberto Verdone

5G Italy 2019 / Roberto Verdone

Roberto Verdone

Professor, CNIT / University of Bologna


Cnit Talk: Applications


Roberto Verdone was born in 1965. He got the Master degree in Electronics Engineering, and his Ph.D., both from the Univ. of Bologna.Since 2001 he is Full Professor in Telecommunications at the Univ. of Bologna where he is affiliated to the Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering Department. Formerly, he was with the National Research Council.

He teaches courses on Mobile Radio Networks, Internet of Things, Vehicular Communications, and on Project Management and Soft Skills.

In 2001 he founded a research group (Radio Networks) working on i) Radio Resource Management for mobile systems, ii) MAC, routing and topology aspects of wireless sensor networks, iii) architectures and technologies for the IoT. In particular, he is active in the field of the integration of the IoT in 5G networks.

He is part of the Networld2020 Expert Group. In such role, in 2015 he edited a White Paper on “Experimental facilities for 5G in Europe”, contributed by about 50 experts from major stakeholders.

He published about 200 research papers, on IEEE journals / conferences. He has been involved / has coordinated more than ten European projects, and acted as responsible for many industrial contracts (TIM, Microsoft, CEA-LETI, GD and others) in the past 15 years.

He is senior member of IEEE. He contributed in various roles to the Organising Committee of several editions of IEEE conferences like ICC, VTC, PIMRC. In Sept. 2018 he hosted PIMRC in Bologna, acting as General Chairperson.

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