
5G Italy 2019 / Location

CNR - Headquarters

The conference 5G Italy will be hosted at CNR’s headquarters, in Rome Piazzale Aldo Moro (entrance in Via dei Marrucini), located between the campus and the buildings of the Air force.

Conference room

330 seats (stalls)

Stage with six/seven seats and podium


Audio/video system

Projector and sheet

Video conference equipment

Audio and video recording system

Live streaming system

Simultaneous translation booth

Aula Convegni
Aula Marconi

5G International PhD School

The international doctorate school that CNIT has decided to put beside the Conference will take place in Marconi room. Researchers from all over the world will attend 3 days of lessons (2, 3 and 4 December 2019), at the headquarters of CNR, with professors of international calibre.


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