5G International PhD School 2019 is the second edition of the international doctorate school that CNIT has conceived as a prestigious event, with a high scientific connotation, aggregated at the 5G Italia conference.

5G International PhD School aspires to be an event in which all of us, researchers potentially interested in 5G technology, can jointly structure our training: to be able to grasp the innumerable research opportunities that the 5G, and its desired applications, can offer us.

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During 5G International PhD School you will participate exclusively in 3 days of tutorial lessons offered by professors of international character on the research topics at the 5G hinge:

  • Architecture,
  • Applications to automation,
  • Applications to Big Data,
  • Applications to bioengineering,
  • Field Trials,
  • Fund Raising,
  • MAC Layer,
  • Physical Layer,
  • Privacy and GDPR issues,
  • Quality expectations,
  • Simulations,
  • Sustainability. 


Colleagues protagonists of teaching and research on 5G and its applications at:

Berlin Technische Universität,
Carlos III University of Madrid,
Université Côte d’Azur,
Ghent University,
Linköping University,
Imperial College London,
Paris-Saclay University,
Pompeu Fabra University,
University of Split.

accepted the invitation to teach at the School.


Enrolling to 5G International PhD School you will be, at any time and no costs, allowed participating to the companion 5G Italy conference taking place in parallel.

Participation in 5G International PhD School will be certified with earned ECTS credits.


  • Stefano Buzzi
  • Antonia Maria Tulino
  • Antonella D’Orazio
  • Rita Massa
  • Lara Pajewski
  • Sergio Palazzo
  • Gianluca Massei (Technical Support)
  • Nicola Blefari Melazzi (CNIT Director)


5G International PhD School 2019

11:30 – 18:30

10:30 – 11:30  Registration
Coded Caching: Fundamental Results, Application Perspectives, and Open Problems
Giuseppe Caire

Berlin Technische Universität

Massive MIMO for TDD and FDD Systems
Giuseppe Caire
13:30 – 14:30  Business lunch
Energy harvesting communication networks
Deniz Gunduz

Imperial College London

Machine learning applications for 5G and future networks
Deniz Gunduz
Antennas for compact 5G IoT devices
Leonardo Lizzi

Université Côte d’Azur

A reconfigurable antenna for compact IoT tracking devices: an industrial project
Leonardo Lizzi

9:00 – 18:30

8:30 – 9:00 Registration
Human exposure to electromagnetic fields: from mobile phones to 5G base stations
Wout Joseph

Ghent University

First numerical and experimental assessment of 5G real-life exposure
Wout Joseph
Distributed Networks with Cell-Free Massive MIMO and Radio Stripes
Emil Björnson

Linköping University

12:30 – 13:30  Business lunch
Communication Using Intelligent Reflective Surfaces: Myths and Realities
Emil Björnson
When Cloud Meets 6G
Emilio Calvanese Strinati (CEA-LETI)
Wireless 2.0: Wireless Networks Empowered by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
Marco Di Renzo (Paris-Saclay University / CNRS)
Cellular UAV-to-UAV Communications
Giovanni Geraci (Pompeu Fabra University)
Beyond 5G: What will it be?
Merouane Debbah


The role of the satellite in 5G networks and beyond
Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli e Alessandro Guidotti (Bologna University), Tommaso Foggi, Amina Piemontese e Giulio Colavolpe (Parma University)
Toward Fully Programmable Wireless Networks for 5G and Beyond
Tommaso Melodia

Northeastern University

Cybersecurity in 5G
Alf Zugenmeier (Munich University)

9:00 – 17:00

8:30 – 9:00  Registration
Data-analytics based orchestration
Albert Banchs Roca

Carlos III University of Madrid

Resource Allocation for network slicing
Albert Banchs Roca
On Electromagnetic-Thermal Dosimetry
Dragan Poljak

University of Split

12:30 – 13:30  Business lunch
Some aspects of 5G dosimetry
Dragan Poljak
6G Flagship driving research ventures for 2030
Marja Matinmikko-Blue

Oulu University

Towards 6G: Coded Random Access for Massive IoT
Marco Chiani (Bologna University), Gianluigi Liva (DLR, Germany), Enrico Paolini (Bologna University),
5G and beyond: opportunities for research and innovation at the intersection between technology and policy
Federico Boccardi

OFCOM London

Separation of concerns in application, networking and security orchestration platforms in virtualized 5G environments
Raffaele Bolla and Franco Davoli (Genoa University)



  • By November 29th.

    Registration for the 5G Italy conference is included.

  • 200
  • LATE

  • By December 2nd.


  • 250


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