5G PhD School

5G International PhD School è la scuola internazionale di dottorato che CNIT ha concepito come evento di prestigio ad alta connotazione scientifica aggregato alla conferenza 5G Italia.

5G International PhD School aspira a essere un evento in cui tutti noi, ricercatori potenzialmente interessati alla tecnologia 5G, potremo insieme strutturare la nostra formazione: per poter prima possibile cogliere le innumerevoli opportunità di ricerca che il 5G, e le sue auspicate applicazioni, potrà offrirci.

Evento promosso da

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Durante 5G International PhD School parteciperai in esclusiva a 3 giorni di lezioni tutoriali offerte da docenti di caratura internazionale sui temi di ricerca al cardine del 5G:

  • Architecture,
  • Applications to automation,
  • Applications to Big Data,
  • Applications to bioengineering,
  • Field Trials,
  • Fund Raising,
  • MAC Layer,
  • Physical Layer,
  • Privacy and GDPR issues,
  • Quality expectations,
  • Simulations,
  • Sustainability. 


Hanno accettato l’invito e insegneranno alla Scuola colleghi protagonisti della didattica e della ricerca sul 5G e le sue applicazioni presso:

Aalborg University
EDPS Authority
IMDEA Networks Institute
King’s College London
New York University
Oulu University
Paris-Saclay University
Pompeu Fabra University
Queen Mary University of London


Da iscritto a 5G International PhD School potrai, quando vorrai, gratuitamente partecipare ai lavori della conferenza 5G Italy che si tengono in parallelo.

La partecipazione a 5G International PhD School sarà certificata con rilascio dei crediti ECTS.


  • Stefano Buzzi
  • Luca Sanguinetti
  • Sandra Costanzo
  • Vittorio Degli Esposti
  • Rita Massa
  • Sergio Palazzo
  • Giuseppe Ruello
  • Gianluca Massei (Technical Support)
  • Nicola Blefari Melazzi (CNIT Director)


5G International PhD School

9:30 – 18:30

8:30  Registrazione e welcome coffee
Daniele Riccio

University of Naples Federico II, Italy

CNIT, Italy

Tutorial on: Antenna/Human Body Interactions from Microwaves to Millimeter Waves: State of Knowledge and Recent Advances
Maxim Zhadobov

CNRS, Université de Rennes, France

Keynote on: Assessment of User Exposure to Millimeter Waves in 5G Exposure Scenarios
Business lunch
Tutorial on: Antennas and Propagation for Future Generations of Wireless Communications
Yang Hao

Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom

Keynote on: Lens Antennas from Transform Optics for 5G and Beyond
Tutorial on: Stochastic Geometry Modeling and Optimization of Cellular Networks – Bridging Accuracy and Complexity
Marco di Renzo

Paris-Saclay University / CNRS, Paris, France

Keynote on: Communication Networks Design: Model-Based, Data-Driven, or Both?


9:30 – 18:30

8:30  Registrazione e welcome coffee
Keynote on: Cloudification of 5G and Beyond
Tutorial on: Joint Communication, Computation and Caching for Beyond 5G Intelligent Networks
Emilio Calvanese Strinati

CEA-LETI, Grenoble, France

Tutorial on: Progress and Perspectives on 5G at NYU Wireless
Christopher Collins

New York University; New York, NY USA

Keynote on: Ensuring Radiation Safety in the mmWave Regime – New Challenges for a New Generation
Business lunch
Tutorial on: Mobile Relay in Heterogeneous 5G Access Networks with the Aid of Ground Vehicles and Drones
Vincenzo Mancuso

IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, Spain

Keynote on: Analysis of Data Services for Massive and Time-Critical 5G Scenarios
Tutorial on: Radio Channel Modelling for Evaluation of 5G Systems
Pekka Kyösti

Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC)/University of Oulu – Keysight Technologies Finland

Keynote on: Putting Channel Models in Practice – Radiated Testing of 5G Devices in Fading Propagation Conditions

19:00 – Crystal Lounge – Hotel Splendid Royal
CNIT Awards & Dinner

9:30 – 18:30

8:30  Registrazione e welcome coffee
Tutorial on: Wireless Access in Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication (URLLC)
Petar Popovski

Aalborg University, Denmark

Keynote on: Communication-Theoretic Modeling of Wireless Network Slicing in 5G
Tutorial on: How to Prepare the Ground for Drone Communication
Giovanni Geraci

Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain

Keynote on: An “Unlicensed” Marriage for Massive MIMO
Business lunch
Special on: Putting Privacy and Data Security at the Heart of 5G
Giovanni Buttarelli

European Data Protection Supervisor

Tutorial on: When Can Machine Learning Be Useful for Communication Systems?
Osvaldo Simeone

King’s College London, United Kingdom

Keynote on: Spiking Neural Networks: A Stochastic Signal Processing Perspective

*Per la Serata di Gala è prevista una registrazione separata.



  • Entro il 30 Novembre.

    Iscrizione alla conferenza 5G Italy inclusa.

  • 250
  • Late

  • Entro il 3 Dicembre.


  • 375


Rappresentanza in Italia

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