Davide Dardari

University of Bologna, Italy

Davide Dardari

University of Bologna, Italy


Davide Dardari is a Full Professor at the University of Bologna, Italy. He has been a Research Affiliate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.

His interests are in wireless communications, smart radio environments, localization techniques and distributed signal processing. He published more than 250 technical papers and played several important roles in various National and European Projects.

He received the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society’s M. Barry Carlton Award (2011) and the IEEE Communications Society’s Fred W. Ellersick Prize (2012).

He is Senior Member of the IEEE where he was the Chair of the Radio Communications Committee and Distinguished Lecturer (2018-2019) of the IEEE Communication Society.

He was co-General Chair of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband and co-organizer of the IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Network Localization and Navigation (ANLN) – ICC 2013-2016 editions. He was also TPC Chair of IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2018), TPC co-Chair of the Wireless Communications Symposium of the 2007/2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications, and TPC co-Chair of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband.

He served as an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications from 2006 to 2012 and as Guest Editor for several Journals.

Invited Talk: “Holographic Communications using intelligent surfaces
Abstract: Holographic communication is intended as a holistic way to manipulate, with unprecedented flexibility, the electromagnetic field generated or sensed by an antenna. This is of particular interest when using large antennas at high frequency (e.g., at millimeter-wave or terahertz), whose operating condition may easily fall in the radiating near-field, where the classical plane wave propagation assumption is no longer valid.

This talk discusses the fundamental communication limits involving large intelligent surfaces as a possible enabling technology for holographic communication, by highlighting the limitations of current models and the opportunities offered when operating in the near-field regime, for example, in terms of feasible orthogonal communication channels.

All sessions by Davide Dardari

Sessione scientifica – 1 Dicembre

01 Dic 2021
14:30 - 18:00

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