Giorgio Gallucci

Head of Technology Information Security, WINDTRE

Giorgio Gallucci

Head of Technology Information Security, WINDTRE


Giorgio Gallucci is Head of Technology Information Security di WINDTRE. He’s responsible for the design, implementation and operation of the Cyber Security framework in Network and IT environment, including Risk Analysis, Engineering and Operation of the security solutions. In his role Giorgio is also responsible for the Cyber Intelligence and Incident Management activities and for the development and operation of the platform for Fraud Management and Law Enforcement mandatory services.

Giorgio joined Wind in the start up phase, managing different roles in the Network Management and OSS development, as Head of Delivery and Assurance for B2B customers, and  Head of Mobile Network Operation. As responsible for Network Quality e Customer Experience he drove the optimization of the new Windtre Top Quality Network.

Giorgio has a Master’s degree in Telecommunication Engineering.

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