Sergei A. Tretyakov received the Dipl. Engineer-Physicist, the Candidate of Sciences (PhD), and the Doctor of Sciences degrees (all in radiophysics) from the St. Petersburg State Technical University (Russia), in 1980, 1987, and 1995, respectively. From 1980 to 2000 he was with the Radiophysics Department of the St. Petersburg State Technical University. Presently, he is professor of radio science at the Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering, Aalto University, Finland. His main scientific interests are electromagnetic field theory, complex media electromagnetics, metamaterials, and microwave engineering. He has authored or co-authored six research monographs and more than 300 journal papers. Prof. Tretyakov served as President of the Virtual Institute for Artificial Electromagnetic Materials and Metamaterials (”Metamorphose VI”), as General Chair, International Congress Series on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (Metamaterials), from 2007 to 2013, and as Chairman of the St. Petersburg IEEE ED/MTT/AP Chapter from 1995 to 1998.
Tutorial: “Electromagnetic aspects and challenges in future use of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces”
Abstract: It is expected that future mobile communication systems will exploit the possibilities of intelligent radio environments to enable the controllability, programmability, and optimization of the propagation channel. This technology will need reconfigurable and smart metasurfaces integrated into walls, ceilings, or facades. The main research challenges to be solved for development of this technology are to understand how to fully control reflection from artificial surfaces and to create a modelling tool for finite-sized metasurface panels that can be integrated into the models of the propagation channel. In this tutorial, I will discuss electromagnetic properties of anomalous reflectors and explain how to analytically characterize the far-field scattering properties of reflective metasurfaces mounted on a wall.