Marco Bussone is a professional journalist and collaborates with numerous national and regional newspapers and magazines (Il Risveglio, La Voce del Popolo, World of Costa Crociere, Platinum, PieMonti, Città Nuova).
Today, he runs UNCEM (National Union for Mountain Municipalities) national press office and is responsible for the organization and management of Union’s main events.
Since 2014 he has been City Councilman for the Municipality of Vallo Torinese (TO) and Councilman of the Mountain Union of the Municipalities of Valli di Lanzo, Ceronda and Casternon.
In 2015 he was nominated vice-president of UNCEM Piemonte.
In 2018 he was nominated president of UNCEM.
In the last years, Marco has contributed to promote a concrete development of mountain territories, through working on strategic issues such as innovation, PAs information systems, transports, health and social assistance.
Marco Bussone is an expert in European, national and regional projecting, with a special competence in programmes such as Alpine Space, Central Europe, Interreg, H2020, MED, ArcoTra, FESR, PSR.
He has been responsible for projects (ClimAlpTour, AlpWaterScarce, Demochange, ReTurn, Moreco, Adapt2DC, E2Bebis) concerning mountain areas, especially regarding topics such as renewable energies, water and forestry management, recover and promotion of abandoned villages and territories, digital divide.