Phd School – Registration

All sessions of the 5G Phd School will be broadcast live on video.

Details on participation fees:

  • Early Standard Registration price (before November 27th): 200 €
  • Late Standard Registration price (after November 27th): 250 €
  • Developing Countries Registration* price:  10 €

Registration for the 5G Italy conference is automatic.

To perform the registration and the payment, two alternatives are possible:

  1. To pay with credit card: Fill the online form at the end of the page. After submitting your data, the Nexi payment form will appear. Insert payment and credit card details and submit the payment. Upon reception of the payment, the CNIT office will issue the invoice.
  2. To pay via wire transfer: Fill this Word form (click here for the PDF version) and send it to Nunzia Ristaldi. The CNIT office will then issue the invoice for your administration.


* Developing Countries Registration is reserved for the first 10 participants from institutions/universities belonging to developing countries according to International Monetary Fund.

Registration Form

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