Jeffrey Hedberg

CEO, Wind Tre

Jeffrey Hedberg

CEO, Wind Tre


Jeffrey Hedberg is a highly experienced telecom executive having held senior management roles at leading global telecom companies for over 30 years.

He started his telecom career at Swisscom where he worked as Executive Vice President of Swisscom International and Management Board Member (1994-1998). In 1999 he joined Deutsche Telecom in Germany where he was Executive Vice President and Member of the Board of Management (1999-2002) before being appointed as CEO and Chairman of Deutsche Telecom USA (2002-2004).

Before joining Wind Tre as CEO in 2017, he has been President & CEO of Mobilink in Pakistan (2014-2016) where he was responsible for leading the merger with Warid in 2015 and CEO at Telekom in South Africa (2010-2011).

He holds a Degree in Business Administration from Northeastern University and a Master of International Management from University of Denver.

Jeffrey was born in Pennsylvania, USA, in 1961. He is married and has two children.

All sessions by Jeffrey Hedberg

Conference – 2 December – Morning

02 Dec 2020
09:00 -13:30

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