Maurizio Dècina

Professor, Polytechnic University of Milan

Maurizio Dècina

Professor, Polytechnic University of Milan


Electronics engineer and Professor Emeritus at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Maurizio Dècina equally shared his 50-year career in telecommunications between industry and university.

He was scientific consultant for AT&T Bell Laboratories in Chicago, scientific Director and founder of the CEFRIEL consortium, and Executive R&D Director of Italtel in Milan. Prof. Dècina was a Commissioner of the Italian Communications Authority, AGCOM, President of the Ugo Bordoni Foundation, President of Infratel Italia, and Member of the Board of Telecom Italia, Italtel and several ICT Companies.

Prof. Dècina was President of the IEEE Communications Society. IEEE appointed him Life Fellow for contributions to voice/data packet switching, and he received three IEEE Awards: International Communications, Third Millennium Medal, and ComSoc/KICS Global Service.

All sessions by Maurizio Dècina

Conference – 2 December – Morning

02 Dec 2020
09:00 -13:30

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