Yang Hao

Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom

Yang Hao

Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom


Yang Hao is Dean for Research in the Faculty of Science and Engineering, and Professor of Antennas and Electromagnetics, Queen Mary University of London. He is active in a number of areas, including computational electromagnetics, microwave metamaterials and transformation optics, antennas and radio propagation for body centric wireless networks, graphene and nanomicrowaves, active antennas for millimeter/sub-millimeter applications and photonic integrated antennas. He co-published two books: “Antennas and Radio Propagation for Body-Centric Wireless Communications”, and “FDTD modelling of Metamaterials: Theory and Applications”. He has published more than 200 journal papers and is a frequent keynote speaker for many conferences. Prof. Hao was the Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS. He founded a new open access journal and is now the Editor-in-Chief of EPJ Applied Metamaterials. He won 2015 IET AF Harvey Research Prize and is a co-recipient of BAE Chairman’s Silver Award in 2014. He currently holds the Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award. Prof. Hao is a elected Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, IEEE and IET.

Update: “Antennas for 5G and beyond”

Abstract: This talk presents a review of some current work conducted at Queen Mary University of London, related to antenna technologies for 5G and beyond. I will start with the introduction of antenna basics, fundamental limits, and requirements for 5G wireless communications. Radio propagations for millimeter wave frequencies will be introduced with an emphasis on the role of creeping and surface waves in wireless communications at high frequencies. Finally, antenna beamforming and new lens antennas will be presented with some demonstrations using 3D printed antenna systems.

All sessions by Yang Hao

Phd School – December 1

01 Dec 2020
11:00 - 13:30

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